Reception Places

Applications for a place in Reception must be done using the online application form and be submitted by the required deadline. Places are then allocated by Southwark’s Admission’s Team. Follow the link below.

If your child has been allocated a place at Friars Foundation Primary School for September, you will receive a letter from us with further details. We will then be in touch again later in the summer term to arrange enrolments and make transition plans.

If you have any queries in relation to the admissions process or if you are not happy with the place that you have been allocated please do not contact the schools directly. Please contact Southwark admissions on 020 7525 5337 or via the email or via the Contact School Admissions button on the following webpage

As we are a foundation school we are our own admissions authority. This means that we ask all applicants (whether for entry into our Reception class or casual admissions for other year groups) to complete a supplementary information form. Please download the supplementary form below and submit with your application.

Friars Supplementary Form

Nursery Places

If you wish to apply for a place in the Nursery, parents should apply as soon as children reach the age of two.  They can start nursery at Friars in the September following their third birthday. We will write to you to let you know whether your child has been given a place before the term in which your child is due to start school.

We will invite you to visit the school with your child.  This gives you both a chance to see the classroom and meet the teacher and some of the children.  This visit is very important, as it helps children to feel confident about their entry to school. The class teacher will also carry out a home visit before your child starts. This is so she can see your child in a familiar environment where they feel comfortable and confident.

If your child has a place in the Nursery, it does not guarantee a place in Reception as these places are allocated centrally through Southwark admissions. Please contact the school office for an application form.

Information about Appeals

Updated guidance for parents and guardians can be accessed here: The updated guidance reflects the changes made to the Appeals Code regarding remote or hybrid appeals, providing guidance on how such appeals may be set up.

We host regular open mornings for prospective Nursery and Reception parents. See home page for dates.

In addition please have a look at our virtual tour of the school which we hope you will enjoy.

Applying for Secondary School

When your child reaches Year 6 you will need to start looking at which Secondary School you want your child to attend. The process starts in September. Parents will be invited along to a meeting in school, where we will explain the process. All the secondary schools hold open days throughout September and October, so visit as many as you can.

You will then need to complete the online common application form before the deadline, which is usually at the end of October. You can choose up to six schools which you list in order of preference. Some schools have additional forms that you need to complete and return directly to the school.

Further guidance, including information about all the schools, their open days and how to apply can be found on Southwark’s website. If you live in another borough, but attend a Southwark school, you will need to apply through their website and not Southwark’s.

You can contact Southwark Admissions Team on 02075255337 or email them at