Standards at Friars Primary School

A summary of our Early Years, Y1 phonics, KS1 and KS2 results in comparison with national averages can be viewed below. Further information about our standards published on the DFE website and our own published information can be found by clicking on the links below

For the current School performance tables, CLICK HERE.

Standards: 2023-24

school national
GLD 75% 65%


Y1 phonics
school  national
% children reading 32+/40 words correctly 77% 80%


Percentage of pupils who have met the phonics screening check by the end of year 2
school  national
% children reading 32+/40 words correctly 95% 89%


KS2 attainment
Expected – 100+ Higher – 110+ Average score
WA+ (writing only) GD (writing only)
school national school national school national
Reading 86%  74% 17% 28% 109 105
Writing  86% 72% 13% 13%
GPS 95% 72% 35% 28% 107 105
Maths  86% 73% 17% 23% 105 104
RWM 77% 61% 4% 7%


KS2 progress
There are no progress measures  in 2024 due to the cancellation of KS1 SATs during Covid.
  • A score of 0 means pupils on average did about as well at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
  • A positive score above 0 means pupils on average did better at KS2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally.
  • A negative score below 0 means pupils means pupils on average did worse at KS2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally. However, a negative score does not mean that pupils did not make any progress.

GLD = good level of development
GPS = grammar, punctuation and spelling
R,W,M = reading writing and maths combined
WA = working at expected standard
GD = working at greater depth