How do we know what pupils have learnt and how well have they learnt it?

The most significant form of evidence of what pupils have learned and how well they have learned is contained within vibrant, creative and detailed work done in exercise books. However, there are a number of additional strategies that we use to answer this question:

Feedback and Marking – we apply our policy rigorously to all children’s work. Please see the policy for further details as to how we mark and give feedback.

Metacognition – children are expected to reflect on their own learning and that of their peers. They regularly self assess and give each other feedback on their learning.

Unit Plan Assessments – at the end of each unit we assess the children’s acquisition of knowledge and skills using clear, straightforward criteria. The assessments are based on scrutiny of children’s work, observations of children’s learning in lessons and other strategies such as simple to administer quizzes. This enables us to track progress over time across the whole curriculum.

Book Monitoring – senior leaders and/or subject leaders scrutinise books once a term using a clear set of criteria that focus on policy compliance, impact of marking and feedback, standards of presentation, progress across time and overall strengths and areas for development.

Pupil Voice – every term, middle and senior leaders conference a representative sample of children in each class with their books about their attitudes towards learning, and how they view their own learning.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Review – all teaching and learning is subject to rigorous and frequent MER from SLT throughout the year. This is used to inform standards of teaching and learning, to identify talents and abilities, to inform ongoing CPD for teachers and to help teachers develop their practice.

Summative Assessments – all teachers assess children’s achievements in reading, writing and maths every term using a combination of the Southwark LA STAR system and Target Tracker. We also complete statutory assessments at the beginning of Reception, in Y1 phonics, at the end of Year 2 (KS1 TAs), in Y4 maths (multiplication tables check -MTC) and at the end of Year 6 (KS2 SATs.) Four times a year, children in Year 3-6 complete Accelerated Reader assessments which provide clear guidance on book choices/levels, show progress and are an additional measure to show where intervention is needed. During this assessment week, children in Year 1-6 complete Star Maths assessments which also show progress and intervention need.

Formative Assessments – all teachers evaluate learning on a daily basis to rigorously assess children’s progress and tailor subsequent provision to their needs. Teachers use high quality questioning to deepen pupil’s understanding, and on the spot assessment well to reshape learning and overcome misconceptions.