How do we teach what we teach? (Implementation)

  •  English, Mathematics and languages are taught continuously and progressively throughout the year.
  • Subjects that have up to 6 units per year – Science, Computing, PE, RE
  • Subjects that have 3 units per year – History, Geography, Art, DT, Music

We explicitly teach key skills and subject specific knowledge and vocabulary and build upon children’s knowledge and skills through a series of lessons.

Wherever possible, links are made between subjects. Spiritual, Moral, Cultural and Social development opportunities are woven through our curriculum, alongside British Values, to support children’s personal development and prepare them for life in modern Britain. See our tracker for more information. SMSC progression map

We recognise that children have preferred learning styles, and so make allowances for this in our planning and delivery. We use a range of approaches including practical activities and discussions.

Teachers plan using the termly curriculum posters, which are also shared with parents each term and displayed in the school entrance hall. Individual subjects may sometimes be ‘blocked’ to support teaching and learning. Children complete meaningful ‘homework projects’ that help to engage them and apply their learning in a creative way.

How our curriculum is implemented can be found on our curriculum framework, termly curriculum posters, unit posters and planning.

Teachers are encouraged to broaden the learning experience for the children by using the rich local environment as a basis for learning, provide opportunities for outdoor learning and fieldwork, educational visits, visitors into school, and shared experiences of the wider school community, e.g. involvement with parents and school links. Children typically go on a trip each half term.

Special events such as International Week and Health and Well-Being Week help children to see the links between curriculum areas and promote excitement for different subjects. They allow children to study subjects in more depth. Each year we learn about significant people who have had an impact on the world and encourage the children to challenge stereotypes. We also take on a whole school project linked to a local, national or global issue.

We value the diversity of individuals within the school. All children have equal access to the curriculum and are treated fairly regardless of race, religion or ability (see Inclusion Policy). Where possible we identify children who have strengths or talents in the different curriculum areas. (See More Able and Talented Policy).