Information about funding and resources

All schools are allocated a budget to provide for the educational needs of all children who attend the school.

SEND Budget

In addition, the Local Authority delegates specific funding to school to meet the needs of children with SEND based on social deprivation factors, the number of children who qualify for free school meals and children’s prior attainment. This money is used to meet the additional needs of SEND children within the school.
This provision can take a number of different forms. Support can be provided through the allocation of Human Resources, Curriculum Adaptation, Grouping and Assessment, as outlined above.

Children with EHC Plans

Support is provided for children with EHC plans as specified in their EHC plan. This provision is individualised to meet the child’s specific needs and to achieve the objectives set out in their plan.

Pupil Premium

Pupil premium funding is also available to meet the needs of children entitled to Free School Meals or who are Looked After.
6 monthly PEP meetings for Looked After children will consider the provision and funding required to meet the needs of LAC children.

Use of funding/Allocation of resources

The Head Teacher deploys support staff to classes to meet the needs of children. This is informed by data analysis taken from the schools assessment cycle and the needs of individual children identified with SEND and or disabilities.

The Inclusion Manager deploys Specialist Support Staff to meet the needs of children requiring SEN support.

External Agency/Specialist Provision

The school purchases 18 days per year from a private Speech and Language Therapist.

The school purchase support from the Early Help Locality team, which includes access to an Educational Psychologist, Senior Education Welfare Officer Family Early Help Practitioner, Family Support Worker, Social Worker and Autism Support Service. Referrals can be made to the Early Help Team when further assessment or support is required for children.

The school has a CAMHs counsellor who works in school with children on a weekly basis.

The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is used by the Inclusion Manager and the Safeguarding and Interventions officer and others when necessary to assess the needs of individual children and make appropriate referrals for specialist support. Most of these referrals are sent to the Early Help Locality Team.

We are committed to effective collaboration between all agencies working with a child and a multi-disciplinary approach to meeting children’s special educational needs. Team Around the Child (TAC) meetings are organised to enable this. These meetings include parents and professionals involved with supporting children and families. We will actively support the establishment and maintenance of close links with all agencies working with children.

Provision Mapping

The provision organised to meet needs across the school is set out within the school’s provision map. This is a working document that is adapted based on expertise and needs of children.