Outside agencies

Information on where to find further support.

Local Offer

Southwark Local Authority provides full information and support around its local offer and attached services.
Copy and paste the following link into your browser: https://localoffer.southwark.gov.uk/
Telephone 020 7 525 5000

The Southwark Information Advice and Support team (SIAS – formerly known as Parent Partnership) offers parents impartial support, training and advice on such topics as: Special Educational Needs; transition to secondary school; how to request an Education Health Care plan; understanding tribunals and SEND exclusions. Telephone: 0207 525 3104 sias@southwark.gov.uk

KIDS London SEN Mediation Service is an independent disagreement resolution service that provides mediation meetings for parents of children with Special Educational Needs and their local education authority or the child’s school when there is some kind of disagreement surrounding how best to meet those needs. Mediation is an informal, voluntary process where parties in disagreement meet together with an independent mediator.

Telephone: 0207 359 3635

Contact a Family provide services to any family regardless of the type of the child’s disability as long as they live in Southwark. Services include: drop in service at Sunshine House and selected children centres; phone advice 5 days per week between 9.00 am and 5.00pm; Helpline advice on specialist topics: education, welfare and benefits, housing; casework support to individual families; DLA workshops at Sunshine House; family-focused social events; coffee mornings and afternoons; quarterly newsletter and monthly email.

Telephone 020 7358 7799
Email: southwark.office@cafamily.org.uk

ADDISS The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service. provides information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals. Telephone: 02089522800 www.addiss.co.uk
The ADHD Foundation supports achievement, educational attainment, mental health and employability. The Foundation works in partnership with those living with ADHD, enabling them understand and manage ADHD.

Telephone: 01512372661

Southwark Autism Support is a project set up by The National Autistic Society to provide information, advice and support to the parents and carers of children and young people with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) living in Southwark. The service provides advice, information and suggestions to help with the behavioural, emotional and practical challenges that living with a child or young person with an ASD can present.

Telephone: 020 7771 3491
Email: southwark@nas.org.uk

Scope is a national disability organisation whose focus is people with cerebral palsy, offering early years, education, and independent living and employment opportunities for disabled people.

Telephone: 08088003333
Information: response@scope.org.uk

Small Steps provide a supportive environment for parents of children with Cerebral Palsy and other forms of motor and sensory impairment. Parents are able to meet others sharing similar experiences, and can attend workshops that inform parents, giving them a platform for discussion and to socialise.

Telephone: 0208704 5935
Information: Info@smallsteps.org.uk

Down’s South London (DSL), is a parent run charity based in Peckham that provides a free, unique early intervention therapy service to local children with Down’s Syndrome.

Telephone: 020 7701 9521
Email: gundy@dircon.co.uk

Small Down’s Syndrome Association (National) offers information and support on all aspects of Down’s Syndrome.

Telephone: 03331212300

Dyslexia Association of London offers support and information to parents, teachers and adults on dyslexia/specific learning difficulties. It also offers a befriending service.

Telephone: 020 8870 1407

Dyspraxia Foundation is for parents of a child with dyspraxia who want to talk with other parents/carers in the same position.

Telephone: 01462454986

The National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) is a charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people, believing that deaf children can do anything other children can do, given early diagnosis and the right support from the start, as well as involving them in decisions that affect them at as early an age as possible.

Telephone: 08088008880
Information: helpline@ndcs.org.uk

Resources for Autism provides a range of support services for both children/young people and their families including autism specific home/community support for all ages and autism specific parent/carer groups. They also offer autism specific play and youth clubs and holiday play schemes for children and young people aged 8-19 years old.

Telephone: 020 8458 3259
Information: liza@resourcesforautism.org.uk

Royal London Society for the Blind (RLSB) supports blind young people & kids to live life without limits.

Telephone: 01732592500
Information: enquiries@rlsb.org.uk

Young Minds provides information and support for anyone worried about a child or young person’s behaviour and mental health, providing information about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of common mental health and behaviour concerns, especially for parents and carers.

Telephone: 08088025544
Information: parents@youngminds.org.uk

Council for Disabled Children (CDC) aims to make a difference to the lives of disabled children and children with special educational needs, by influencing Government policy, working with local agencies to translate policy into practice and producing guidance on issues affecting the lives of disabled children.

Telephone: 02078431900
Information: cdc@ncb.org.uk

Southwark Carers an independent charity with over 5,000 carers currently registered, they provide information, advice and support to carers across Southwark.

Telephone: 02077084497
Information: info@southwarkcarers.org.uk

Southwark Young Carers Project A young carer is anyone aged 18 or under who helps to look after a relative who has a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem.

Telephone: 02077036400

Southwark Siblings for those living in Southwark, aged between 6 and 14, who help look after a brother or sister with a disability, giving them a chance to meet other siblings, make friends and share experiences, the chance to have fun and take part in activities through attending small groups and ongoing regular meetings outside the family home, also a regular newsletter.

Telephone: 02077012826
Information: www.kids.org.uk/Event/southwark-siblings
Email: Natulie.woods@kids.org.uk