Information about early identification and assessment

How can I find out how well my child is doing in school?

The Class Teacher is responsible for the assessment of all the children in the class on a day-to day- basis, within the agreed record-keeping and assessment procedures of Friars Primary School. Baseline assessments are completed in the Nursery and Reception. The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is carried out at the end of Reception.

Concerns noted through these may trigger SEND identification. SEND children in the Early Years are assessed using the EYFS framework.Progress of children within Key Stage 1 and 2 is tracked half termly. The school uses teacher assessments and formal S.A.Ts assessments and tests in Year 2 and Year 6 to monitor progress. Branch maps and summative small step assessments are used to monitor the progress of children with severe to profound special needs.

The progress of all children is discussed every term in Pupil Progress Meetings. These meetings take place between the Head Teacher, Inclusion Leader/DHT and class teacher.

Class teachers identify pupils who are not making progress or who have needs which are affecting their ability to engage in learning activities.
In consultation with the Inclusion Manager and parent/carers, actions can be agreed with the aim of reducing or overcoming barriers to learning to ensure that best progress is made. After discussions with parent/carers, additional support can be put into place to provide targeted support to help overcome any difficulties. The views of the pupil him/herself will be given consideration.

Parent/Carer/Teacher Meetings

Parent/carers can contact the Class Teacher to request information about how well their child is doing in school at any time. Formal Parent Consultation meetings take place in the Autumn and Spring terms.

Parent Workshops and Open Mornings

The school runs annual workshops to enable parents to find out about the curriculum in each class and about the teaching strategies we use. Parents are also invited to attend open mornings and see the kind of teaching and learning methods that we use.