Languages at Friars
At Friars we feel that many children enjoy learning to speak another language and by exposing them to a foreign language early in their development, the faster they will acquire the language. Additionally, children at primary school age feel less self-conscious when speaking aloud in another language allowing them to maximise every opportunity to practise their new linguistic skills. It is widely believed that the early acquisition of a foreign language facilitates the learning of other foreign languages later in life.
By teaching a modern foreign language we will:
- Celebrate the wide range of languages spoken within our school community
- Through the teaching and learning of French, we will develop the children’s awareness of how different languages can be structured
- We aim to develop children’s speaking and listening skills and lay the foundations for future study.
Daily French practice – Class will go through the register counting how many children are in, how are you feeling today? feelings chart in French, date, weather
- Continue to use French within displays in the classroom and outside in halls
- A term of blocked French lessons as per main Timetable
- Learning to be recorded digitally via audio or video files and documented in a digital Learning Journey
- Class display to reflect the units of work taught that year
- Practical activities, songs and games are used to consolidate learning.
- Whenever possible during the school day, instructions are given in French to expose the children to the language
- QR codes/videos used to show children speaking, practicing phrases, conversing
- Pupils confidently recall vocabulary and phrases learnt
- Children’s progress is assessed on a yearly basis using the agreed progression of skills
- Digital learning journeys are clear and progress is evident
- Pupils’ questionnaire outlines significant learning that has taken place and informs future teaching practice