Maths at Friars


We aim to encourage children to

  • Gain a wide range and balance of relevant mathematical experiences
  • Be challenged intellectually by mathematical ideas
  • Gain confidence through appropriate experiences, enabling them to use a variety of strategies, and through celebrating success
  • See how maths is relevant and useful in everyday life.
  • Work independently and collaboratively to solve problems.

We strive to set work that is challenging, motivating and encourages the pupils to think logically and communicate ideas through oral and written mathematical language.


  • Follow White Rose Maths yearly and medium term planners
  • Continue to teach mental calculation strategies using Southwark mental calculation policy.
  • Rec, Y1 and Y2 to follow Mastering Number
  • Use Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach to introduce new concepts
  • Use manipulatives as an integral part of teaching mathematics
  • Reasoning and using and applying opportunities are modelled and embedded in all lessons
  • Supporting children to thinking mathematically
  • Key vocabulary for each unit must be explicitly taught and displayed on learning walls
  • Provide opportunities to explore concepts in depth – making conjectures and proving/disproving them.
  • Working walls to reflect current learning and have evidence of pupil interaction e.g. children posing and answering questions. They should also include have a What comes in… (Y2-4) display for times tables.
  • Celebrate national and local maths events- e.g. World Maths Day and Mayor of London’s Challenge
  • Engage parents through workshops and maths cafes
  • Continue to use Mathletics to support home-learning. Set activities to consolidate current learning.  (


  • Evidence of CPA journey in books and on working walls.
  • Evidence of good quality resources to develop the children’s mathematical recall of key concepts and reasoning skills
  • Children will develop their resilience when approaching challenging tasks and concepts
  • Children are proud of their achievements in mathematics
  • Children to discuss their mathematical knowledge confidently using the subject specific vocabulary
  • Children will use their mathematical knowledge across different areas of the curriculum
  • Children engaging with learning platforms and completing assigned tasks
  • Pupil voice

A progression map of mathematical knowledge and skills can be accessed here.