Music at Friars


At Friars, we believe that our pupils are given the opportunity to hone their skills of creativity and imagination through music and to provide opportunities to challenge, inspire and create a sense of identity through self-expression. We believe that music, for example African drumming, is a powerful tool that helps children celebrate and explore the diverse heritage of our school community.


We aim to encourage children to

  • Develop practical music skills and knowledge and to link them throughout the curriculum
  • Know that progress in music skills leads to an outcome independently and collaboratively
  • Develop resilience and teamwork
  • Opportunities are given for musicians to shine and hone their skills.
  • Be critical and discuss music, sounds, styles and instruments which appeal or do not appeal to them.
  • Embrace the many musical experiences available in our local community.


  • Each music lesson will have a clear focus 
  • Specialist teacher will teach each class for one term per year 
  • When specialist teachers are leading lessons, class teachers will be present 
  • African drumming sessions will be taught in Key Stage 2
  • Evidence might be QR codes of performances, photographs, children’s quotes or written work
  • Integrate music into other areas of the curriculum, when/where appropriate 


  • Children’s progress is assessed using the agreed progression of skills
  • Pupils confidently speak about music and musicians, using subject specific language.
  • Evidence of the children’s composition either individually or collaboratively will be recorded in the curriculum books or recorded digitally
  • Pupils are proud of their musical achievements and are resilient when it doesn’t “go right” the first time