Physical education at Friars


At Friars, the aim of our inclusive curriculum is to provide all children with high quality with PE and sport provision to improve mental wellbeing and physical health of all pupils. Through fun and engaging lessons, we strive to develop children’s physical skills while promoting children’s resilience, ambition, creativity and team work. Friars works closely with our partner the LPESSN to ensure each child is supported and challenged to fulfil their sporting potential and lead a physically healthy active lifestyle. We signpost children and families to opportunities beyond the school- clubs/programs throughout Southwark.


Our aims for each child is to:

  • enjoy being healthy and active.
  • Engage in physical activity to keep healthy and fit (we aim for a minimum of two hours of PE each week)
  • develop the fundamental movement skills (agility, balance and coordination)
  • gain an understanding as to why exercise and good diet is important-linking to social/emotional development as well as their physical development.
  • experience a range of different sports and skills
  • celebrate their success and develop the drive to achieve their full potential
  • address the stereotypes around ‘girls’ and ‘boys’ sports. Provide equal opportunities.
  • lead and join in PE games with growing confidence, developing their speaking and listening skills. Understand basic rules
  • learn useful PE vocabulary and knowledge to help them at KS3 and beyond


  • Lessons taught following PESSN plans.
  • Lessons include differentiation so children can join in at their own level of development
  • High quality teaching – Teachers have had team teaming with PESSN coaches. Inset days. Dance coach.
  • Two hours per week (one lesson using PESSN plans and one lesson taught by dance coach)
  • A clear PE focus with learning objective and key vocabulary shared in each lesson
  • To introduce and develop the skills, principles and understanding of physical activities as outlined in the National Curriculum.
  • To enhance pupils’ awareness of the safety issues concerned with these activities and help them develop a sense of responsibility towards participating in physical activity.
  • Take part in local competitions to develop competitive aspirations, good sporting attitudes and team work
  • To attend festivals and performances to encourage enjoyment, inclusion and performance skills
  • Cross curricular and cultural capital opportunities
  • Pupils to take part in The Daily Mile as part of their healthy lifestyle
  • Pupils and parents to take part in Sports Day and one off events, eg – Health Week events, kindness flashmob.
  • Years 3 and 4 go swimming (25m goal by end of y4, reported in y6)


  • Children’s progress is assessed on a termly basis using the agreed progression of skills
  • PE Learning journeys will reflect the progress of the pupils across each term and school year which will be evidenced in Digital Learning Journeys.
  • Year 4 to report 25m goal. Each year we consider having catch up sessions for Year 6 children who did not reach the 25m expectation.
  • Pupil voice once a year – pupils can discuss their improved fitness levels, enjoyment of PE, importance of PE.
  • The plans have clear progression of skills and knowledge. This ensures that all children access it at an age-appropriate level.
  • EYFS In the Early Years Foundation Stage, children begin to improve their movement skills. They begin to develop their agility, balance and coordination.
  • Key stage 1 Pupils develop their movement skills. They extend their agility, balance and coordination. They engage in competitive and cooperative physical activities. These include games, dance and gymnastics.
  • Key stage 2 Pupils continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching. They use these skills in competitive games and performances. They also evaluate their own and others’ work. Pupils communicate and collaborate with each other. They learn how to improve in physical activities.

A progression map of PE knowledge and skills from Early Years upto the end of Year 6 can be accessed here.