At Friars, we understand the need for children to have the opportunity to learn Science by offering an exciting, inclusive and inspiring curriculum. We aim to nurture children’s natural curiosity through varied practical investigations that will inspire questions and inquiry leading to them being equipped for life to ask and answer scientific questions about the world around them.

The children learn Science at Friars through the acronym, knowing it is:




All (for everyone)


Scientific vocabulary


At Friars, we recognise the importance of Science in everyday life. We will ensure that children:

  • Have Science lessons that are both engaging and inspiring
  • Are encouraged to explore the world around them, make real life connections which adds to their Science capital
  • Have an opportunity to experience hands-on investigations and experiments
  • Are all challenged and use their learning to inform their peers throughout the school and the wider community
  • Have opportunities to reflect, ask questions and discuss which builds on prior knowledge and develops their deeper understanding of Science
  • Use Science vocabulary to explain their thinking
  • Are encouraged to make links between their own experiences and other subject areas


Science lessons are taught within each year group in accordance with the National Curriculum, linked to year group topics. Stand-alone Science lessons are taught where natural links to year group topics cannot be made. Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of Science involves the following:

  • Ensure that all Science disciplines are taught within our curriculum
  • Teach at least one Science lesson per week
  • Key Stage One to carry out child led one enquiry / investigation type each half term
  • Key Stage Two to carry out child led two enquiries / investigations type each half term
  • Children have a knowledge organiser at the start of each topic which details key Science facts, labelled diagrams and vocabulary which should be revisited throughout the topic
  • Use STEM/ explorify/ Ogden Trust and ASE websites to create Hooks for start of topic/ investigation
  • Use working walls to reflect current learning with Investigation types clearly posted
  • Use a range of assessment tools and differentiation to ensure that every child can access the Science curriculum
  • Topics are blocked to allow children to focus on developing the knowledge and skills, studying each topic in depth
  • Every year group will build upon the learning from previous year groups, developing depth of understanding and progression of skills
  • ‘Working scientifically’ skills are embedded into lessons to ensure these skills are being developed throughout the children’s school journey
  • Outdoor learning, workshops and field work opportunities are maximised in each topic to develop children’s understanding
  • Themed events (STEM week) to promote both a love for Science and enhance children’s Science capital


The impact of this curriculum will lead to good progress over time, across Key Stages, relative to the child’s starting point and their progression of skills. Our engagement with the local environment, trips, workshops and interactions with experts ensures that children learn through varied and first-hand experiences of the world around them. This is evidenced in a range of ways, including pupil voice, through observations and recorded work. Children working at Greater Depth in Science are able to work independently, apply one area of learning to another, answer ‘what if?’ questions with insightful and thoughtful ideas where they make links between prior and current learning in a familiar relatable context and justify why they think this with accuracy.

In 2021 we were awarded the Primary Quality Science Mark for demonstrating how effective science leadership is having an impact on the quality of teaching and learning across the school for science.

A progression map of scientific knowledge and working scientifically skills can be accessed here.