Environment and reasonable adjustments
- What support can be offered to help my child develop good learning behaviour and a sense of wellbeing?
- The school building is a two storey building. The Foundation Stage (Nursery & Reception) and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) are or the ground floor. Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) are located on the first floor accessed by stairs. Teachers adapt classroom layouts to cater for children with special needs and or a disability. There is one disabled access toilet on the ground floor of the main building and where and when necessary, rails have been added to toilets in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 toilets.
- The new school building comprises of a Performing Arts studio and a conference room on the ground floor and an Art Studio and a Computing Suite on the first floor. It also has a disabled toilet on the ground floor and a lift to access the first floor.
- Use of electronic equipment such as lap-tops, ipads, alternative keyboards etc are available.
- It is also possible to provide modified worksheets for children with visual impairment difficulties.
- Writing slope boards, writing grips, rocket pencils/pens, alternative scissors (e.g. loop scissors) use of ‘wobble boards’ or move ‘n’ sit cushions are available for children with dyspraxia or ADHD.
- The school has an accessibility plan that is reviewed regularly: https://www.friarsprimaryschool.com/policies/
Pastoral Support/Unstructured parts of the day
Strategies to support the development of pupils’ social skills and enhance self-esteem
- A CAMHS counsellor works with individual pupils and families, who have been referred to the service, within school.
- A range of after school and lunchtime clubs are run each week by teachers, parents and outside specialists. These include, sports, games, music, gardening, film and art.
- Celebration assembly celebrates individual achievements with certificates and prizes every week. Attendance and punctuality is monitored every week and classes that have the best attendance and punctuality hold the cup or trophy for the week. These are reported on the weekly newsletter to parents.
- For some children specific lunch time support is arranged.
Transition support, visits and events
- Reduced, adapted or modified time-table
- Use of social stories, especially for transition
- Regular contact & liaison with parents
- Transition meetings
- Risk assessments
- Team Around the Child (TAC) or Family (TAF) meetings to support transition.
Behaviour Support
- School sanctions and reward system as set out in School Behaviour policy
- Individualised positive behaviour system for individual children with particular needs
- Behaviour Support Advice accessed (Summer House Behaviour Support)
- Counselling service
- Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day
- Regular reviews with Parents
Bullying Prevention Strategies
We take the prevention of bullying extremely seriously. In October 2014 we became a Kidscape Primary Bullying Intervention Training (BIT) accredited school in recognition of the partnership work we have done with them in educating our Y4 and Y5 in how to manage, control and prevent bullying. We work sensitively, proactively and reactively on the rare occasions bullying happens with parents and children and we use our anti-bullying policy as a live working document Antibullying-Policy-October-2014 Link not working.
Intimate Care/Toileting Needs
- The school has a toileting policy that sets out procedures that should be followed to support children who have toileting issues.
- A disabled toilet is available within the main school building.
- Children with toileting needs in Key Stage 1 or 2, will have a toileting plan that is discussed and agreed with parents.
- All year groups have access to equipment such as: clothes, rubber gloves, disposable wipes, to enable them to support the cleaning or changing of children with these issues. Parents are always informed when this has been necessary.
- Sequencing cards, symbols and social stories are used to support parents where children have toilet needs.
- Parents will also be encouraged to attend ‘Poos and Pees’ (workshops for parents to support toilet training of children with special needs) or CAMHs (Child Adolescent Mental Health- when toileting difficulties appear to be emotionally related).
Medical Needs
- Separate policy and system for administration of medication
- Care plans for pupils with medical needs
- Support staff to assist pupils with personal care as specified by clinical plans
- Trained paediatric first aiders (to support children)
- Trained First Aid at Worker (to support adults)
Extra-Curricular Activities
The school provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities that are available for children who attend the school. Contact the school office if you are interested in your child enrolling for one of our after school clubs.